What if

Ballade zum Thema Freiheit/ Unfreiheit

von  Ephemere

So sovereign,
Oh so sovereign
I don't need nobody
I am strong alone

The world in me
Is room enough
As long as the sun is shining
I am whole

Like a bird, I'm flying, trying
Going right and wrong
As long as the sky is open
Nowhere I belong

I'm willing to give it up
Preparing to let it go
Sacrifice horizons
For a soul

And if I stay here in your arms...
And trade my freedom for your charms...
And in your house I'll settle down...
And make your blissfulness my home...

So incredible
It's still hard to capture
How my freedom hurts

Directions strange
To the unknown
While I laugh into the blizzard
Secretly I weep

Through the windows, looking, longing
Seeing candles burn
In the twilight smiling faces
When my windshield bursts

I love you when I'm tired
I want you when I'm weak
My energy expired
My doubts are fast asleep

And if...

(Jan Schoenmakers, 12/2004)

Anmerkung von Ephemere:

Gewissensfragen...Liebe oder Freiheit...geht Liebe UND Freiheit...Liebe aus Angst vor Freiheit...?

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