Sonett for the New Year

Sonett zum Thema Jahreswechsel/ Silvester

von  tueichler

Summoned was the ghost of this past year
by memories fading almost away
sincerely invited to last for one day;
for remembrance of this time with no fear.

A billion birth's and death's all the same
to become from nothing or to nothing decay
to leave this world or to be here to stay
in high places will be weighed all your shame.

Look forward onto a brand new beginning
learn from the past and do not hesitate
from joyfully laughing, circling and spinning!

It surely is unknown what will be our fate.
Fortune says you'll be losing or winning,
but never the less hope comes never too late!

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 loslosch (23.12.09)
V. 5: ... and and ... ?

 tueichler meinte dazu am 24.12.09:
versteh ich nicht :(

 tueichler antwortete darauf am 24.12.09:
versteh ich doch, Sorry und vielen Dank :)

lg, Tom :)
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