
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Erinnerung

von  ThalayaBlackwing

Come brother, join me on the cliff
The one we climbed so many times
Where our dreams took flight

Look over the sea with me
See the waves play
Hear them chase each other

Do you remember how we did the same?
Can you remember those old days
Long ago?

We've done so many things
Together and alone
We've parted and met again

I remember everything
At these times I remember
When the sun is setting

Close your eyes brother and I will tell
The stories of my past
What I have done and what was done to me

Give me your hands
Fly with me once more
And don't let go

The night is over
The sun rises
The pictures of our memories fade

Will we see them again
Yes we will when the sun sets again
Will you join me then?

Anmerkung von ThalayaBlackwing:

Wieder so ein Zuggedicht. Wird wohl zur Gewohnheit.

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 DariusTech (20.08.12)
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