
Tagebuch zum Thema Traum/ Träume

von  DariusTech

Moments remembered
Flickers of light in eternal darkness

A dragon fast asleep
on some clearing
in an endless wood
fairies playing
placing pollen in his nose

Her nose?

The dragon awakes sneezing

Me laughing my heart out
being the half awake witness

Stupid scene of long ago...
Is this all that it is worth?
Funny anecdotes

Another flicker

A feathered snake playing tricks
Often nearly killing me
Always making me laugh

Cherished friend I needed loosing
Cherished friend I will find again
Cherished friend I found so often

The Council of the great
me taking his place
too early
too young

End of Youth

The Whiteclaws hear the mice rustling
The Whiteclaws hear the mice rustling

Times of change
Times of loss

The pictures flee every morning
But I know that they are with me in the night

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