invisible thoughts of the published statements

Skizze zum Thema Gier

von  DanceWith1Life

autumn, if I painted You  with words
all bright, no one would recognize you
so where I put the shadows
has to make sense of this cold of a touch
and then I have dreamt of things
the visitors of your vernissage
don't believe to exist
the sort of believe that makes the difference
between a god and a chocolate
"I can`t believe You sell this anymore"
would not be heard about a god

if your beauty would be of pearls
hanging around natures neck
and the rainbow-colored inside of your oyster
where all of those grow from
what words would describe
the magic needed to withstand
all that the storms will take with them
and hold dear to my heart the love
that we need to share
but you can sell chocolate instead
to followers
of any  religion, non-religion, non-believers
all you want is money

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