World of Astonishment (W:O:A)

Gedicht zum Thema Eigene Welt


Oh Wacken, beloved holy land,
it's me again and here I stand
on your fields and I'm not scared.
For 3 days of Metal I'm prepared.
I have got everything I need.
Got my barbecue grill and some meat.
Got my sleeping bag and my tent.
But, who knows, maybe I will spend
a night or two in another camp
just like some kind of modern tramp.
The days are long and the nights short
but the bands are worth all that effort.
The Line-Up is amazing every year.
From the Firefighters to Edguy to Slayer.
I see and hear from the Black Stage
extreme bands preaching hate and rage.
On the True Metal Stage aside
bands sing about glory, freedom and pride.
The Party Stage has not that size
but the bands playing there are always nice.
On the W.E.T.-Stage/Headbangers Ballroom
I see bands, that might be big soon.
Bullhead City is always interesting:
Comedy, Spoken Word and Wrestling.
Back in time in the Wackinger Village
to the ages of both: tillage and pillage.
And in the Beergarden I can have a rest
for a beer and some music noone can detest.
There is no violence, the only hits
I possibly get, I get in the moshpits.
Where I'm on vacation from reality?
At Wacken, that's where I can be free.

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Dostojewskaja (29)
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 BLACKHEART meinte dazu am 26.10.11:
Bester Kommentar überhaupt.
(Antwort korrigiert am 26.10.2011)

 Vessel (11.09.11)
das hat charme, muss man einfach mal so sagen ;)
(Kommentar korrigiert am 11.09.2011)
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