Holier than thou

Lied zum Thema Du und Ich

von  Shagreen

Watch out!
Went up to the temple to pray
Two men, Pharisee, also publican
The Pharisee stood by himself and say:
GOD, I thank you that I am not like this man

I am not such an extortioner
Neither an unjust nor an adulterer
I always fast two times in the week
Give a tenth of all I get, he speak

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are
You know not

Before you judge him, take a look at you
With the LORD, what do you have to do?
Point the finger, slow to understand
Of your own righteousness you are confident

It's not who you are, it's who you know
You will seek me in vain day after day
Want to be the first and want stones to throw
Build bridges with them on your way

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are
You know not

(Yeah! Who the hell are you?)

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are
You know not


Anmerkung von Shagreen:

Jes. 65:5, Lk. 18:9-14, Joh. 8:1-11
Ein weiterer Versuch Metallica zu christianisieren

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 Graeculus (01.02.23, 21:41)
The Pharisee stood by himself and say:


 Shagreen meinte dazu am 01.02.23 um 21:55:
Dichterische Freiheit  ;)
Richtig ist wohl "said"

 Terminator antwortete darauf am 01.02.23 um 22:25:
Was Grammatik angeht, da sind  lyrics nicht dran gebunden.
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