a wing

passion beach day one

Gedicht zum Thema Befreiung

von  DanceWith1Life

dance with me on every single stair
let only gravity hold back our passion
but warm its earth between the stars
as if the eyes could now
with ancient tongues and teeth
what noone else has seen.
we taste the air
So let our heart taste our silences
we have forgotten.
remember words we didn't dare
and let the shy color speak
but now with dignity and pride

embrace our silences
with the same passion
we wanted to shout out loud
dreams could not catch forward
they got stuck

then with a deeper silence
wake me up
cause lust is now to hollow
for my sudden hunger
and the color of the skin
no longer makes sence

So thirsty aches my heart
that I hear no echoe
alone on the beach
the walk meets the waves
and flees the ancient play
but laughter
silence and laughter
what else would make us stay

I will flee death as long as I can
this beating heart is much to precious
no, it has been recogized
and that's what made precious
and no if and but between

 a wing
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