Sister Sunshine

Ballade zum Thema Erkenntnis

von  DariusTech

Sister Sunshine
Black Winged
Hot blooded

took you from us
not to return?

There you are
alive again

But not in heart
But we won't know
We won't see you sister

Watcher still

They took you again

I have found them
I followed your quest
I followed your steps

I found a dead one
I found a black one
Victim still
Child even

But I made a mistake
They know
of me
of my intrusion

I flee
I take the spell
I take the potion with me

I have to flee
from our enemies

Too late it is
I know
it is my last flight
So I take leave
from the clouds
from the winds
from my brother

take these
as proof for their dark work
Its a weapon to destroy our world
Or to save it

They found me
I can hear them
Time to die

They won't kill me
One potion left
Poison it is

I give up my being
They won't destroy my soul

Find me brother in the eyes of a stranger

I take the poison

My blood is the blood of earth
weeping for its spring

Dieing eyes see
the life of a child
see the abiss beyond

They recognize
Sister Sunshine

Anmerkung von DariusTech:

Antwort auf:  Black She Is von Thalaya Blackwing

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