Walking through Walls

Songtext zum Thema Anpassung

von  Merkur

You put me in a room, I think it is a cage
There´re no windows in this prison no chance to escape.
Looking around I realize the only possibility:
The small door in the corner is the only chance for me.

I can´t walk through walls, I have to use your doors.
But your doors are much too small for me.

Behind the door ther´s another room and it starts again:
There´s another door which is even smaller then the first.
Life consists of adaptions to the doors you pass in your life.
Otherwise I wouldn´t fit in your game called society.

I can´t walk through walls, I have to use your doors.
But your doors are much too small for me.
I can´t walk through walls, I have to use your doors.
But your doors are much too small for me much too small for me

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nebelraser (18)
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 Merkur meinte dazu am 20.01.06:
Du hast Recht, das Versmaß hat´s in sich. Aber es geht, man kann es sogar singen. Wenn auch jede Strophe andders ist... egal. Einmal mehr Vielen an dich !
haifischmaedchen (24)
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