For You

Songtext zum Thema Selbsterkenntnis

von  Merkur

You never learned,  how to survive,
You don´t know the reality of life
But you don´t even    want to know,
For you life is just a real big show.
You think you are a really tough guy.
Actually you just watch the days go by.

But think it´s not your fault, that it´s got nothig to do with you.
I wanna know what makes you think this way because it just ain´t so.
the only one responsible is you !

You have to make decisions on your own,
That´s what you have always known.
You really have to get involved,
Otherwise your problems won´t be solved.
Realize, there is no scapegoat,
Got to get off the middle of the road.

But think it´s not your fault, that it´s got nothig to do with you.
I wanna know what makes you think this way because it just ain´t so.
the only one responsible is you !

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nebelraser (18)
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 Merkur meinte dazu am 20.01.06:
Begnadetes Englisch, großartig, vielen Dank dafür !!
haifischmaedchen (24)
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