Kind of Me

Songtext zum Thema Du und Ich

von  Merkur

Maybe we have met before but that´s all there´s nothing more.
I don´t think you know who I am, why do you want to know ?
What you see is what I make you see and you don´t know that it´s fake.
I don´t want you to come to close, please keep away from me !

And if I seem strange to you, is this just what I want to do.
And I don´t want you to spend any thoughts on me.

All alone I´m sitting here, where I can be on my own.
From here I can just fly away and leave you all behind.
None of you could ever enter this lonely world of mine.
Maybe when we meet again, you might understand.

And if I seem strange to you is this just what I want to do.
And I don´t want you to spend any thoughts on me.

And that I seem strange to you is what I hope I´ll always do.
I hope you never realize who I really am.

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nebelraser (18)
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 Merkur meinte dazu am 20.01.06:
Meinetwegen hättest du den gerne auch noch empfehlen könne Ich danke dir für deinen Kommentar !
haifischmaedchen (24) antwortete darauf am 16.11.06:
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haifischmaedchen (24)
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