2. The Meeting

Drama zum Thema Macht

von  Mutter

Mr. Trout sits in front of a mahagony desk, cracking his knuckles nervously. A thin man, in his early fifties, paces the room, staring out the window towards Croke Park.
Every so often he shoots Mr. Trout a quick look, but the other man seems to avoid eye contact.

MR. TRENT: Are you still in control, Trout?

MR. TROUT: I can assure you, Mr. Trent, I am. Very much so. I have set the boys on him, and the problem will be contained in no time. Then everything will proceed as planned.

MR. TRENT: When you say ‘the boys’ – I sure hope you do not mean your usual gang of punks, do you, Trout?


MR. TRENT: Maybe I did not make myself perfectly clear, Trout. Come next morning, I want a body floating down the Liffy. I would prefer if this body happened to be our man, but if this is somehow not the case, I will settle for your dead body – do you get what I am saying, Trout?

MR. TROUT: Absolutely, Mr. Trent. Abso-fuckin-lutely, if you will pardon my French.

MR. TRENT: I will. For once. Now get moving, and make sure, that your pack of bonobos does not mess this thing up.

MR. TROUT (smartly): Yes, sir.

Exit Mr. Trout

MR. TRENT (shouts): Harvey!

Enter Mr. Harvey


MR. TRENT: Set somebody on Trout, will you? Make sure that he handles his boys, and that they are up to the task. I have a feeling he is in way over his head. Not sure he will be able to manage this.

MR. HARVEY: Alright, Mr. Trent.

Mr. Harvey is about to exit

MR. TRENT: Harvey!

MR. HARVEY (turns around): Yes?

MR. TRENT (in a low voice): We do not want The Machine loose in out city, Harvey. We do not want that. Understood?

Harvey nodds

Exit Harvey

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Elvarryn (36)
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 Mutter meinte dazu am 20.03.09:
Weiß grad nich', welcher Kommentar scarier iss - der deutsche oder der englische ... :D
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