Swim bladder


von  theatralisch


...me when everything is always pleasant: the weather, for example.
When there is nothing to fight, then...the truth is a special kind of declaration of war.

I've written quite a bit over the last few years and especially months and I was extremely confused. My heart bleeds, my mind doesn't understand, my body floats in a vacuum.
My tears are the fish in the lake, my hands feel them in the water but would be careful not to stop them. My voice is superfluous, no one listens to it: rightly so, because everyone is sitting at home or outside having fun, not looking for each other, but halfway finding each other.
OK, I think so.

Anmerkung von theatralisch:

Unvollständiger Text. War plötzlich weg. Aber habe in den letzten Jahren Etliches verfasst, das ich nicht auf keinverlag veröffentlicht habe. Unbedeutend, eher. Worte sind - naja, es braucht halt mehr, viel mehr, um genau zu sein...

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