

von  theatralisch

Yesterday I went to the revival in the disco where my parents met for the first time.
It's terribly pathetic to say that I said goodbye to them there. My father, who died a long time ago. And my mother, whom I remember very differently.

Memories...Yes, I saw them there: my dad, cool, standing at the bar, in a group of young men (he was 21 years old). And my mother (24 years old), trying to look cool, next to a few friends.
They got to know each other. Because my father didn't dare speak to my mother directly because she seemed so unapproachable, he first danced with her open-minded friend. Then probably with her.

And at some point I was there. A miracle only because the two doubted (irrationally) that they would be able to have children.

Many years later, separated for a long time and still somehow all senses are together: And what about me?

Anmerkung von theatralisch:


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