Flow (of life)

Lyrischer Prosatext zum Thema Lebensweisheit

von  theatralisch

Sometimes it's something like the light, the angle.
And much more often and actually always it is the conviction with which we do, look at, feel something.
The natural sciences help us with this.
Because through them, for example, we know that perfection does not exist.
So we have to get rid of the search for any truths, optimization, etc. pp.
Basically, a lot of life is about listening to your intuition.
To feel what harmonizes.
That often means change, change... and pain, if one does not understand why everything is suddenly different now.
So the meaning of life is just a metaphor - like beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, sweet apples in summer, colorful leaves in autumn and in winter...let's go in search of spring...here and there.
As long as we stay in the flow of life.

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